Friday, June 20, 2014

Midsummer's Eve Oracle Reading

Today's oracle reading for  June 20, 2014 is brought to you by the Goddess Athena, the goddess of wisdom. She is telling us to listen to our own inner wisdom and knowledge. Follow your gut feelings and act on them! 

Athena, Goddess of Wisdom

It's Midsummer's Eve! The summer soltice  is tomorrow marking the day with the most daylight hours of the year. After the solstice our days will start to grow shorter until the winter solstice in December.

This being Midsummer, I would also like to honor the Goddess Aine. She is the Fairy Queen who presides over the fairy kingdom. She is dear to my heart because the fae are the energies that help the flowers grow! This is the night when people of many different cultures light a balefire. Tonight, light a fire in your firepit and honor those energies that make our world the beautiful place that it is! Or simply light a candle and gives thanks.


Have a wonderful weekend and a Blessed Midsummer!


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