Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Visit Lady Sarina's Magickal Parlor

Wondering what 2015 has in store for you?
Order a 1 year Angel Forecast Reading!

Based on the energy surrounding you now, the angels will tell where you are heading in the new year
 and what you can do to alter the course of your life path if you choose to do so!
I call on your personal angels as well as the astrology and numerology angels to see what is ahead for you.
 Your reading will include a month by month  report on the energy that will surround your life path,
 and events and opportunities that may present themselves throughout 2015. 

Sarina's Magickal Parlor

Click on the link above to find out more!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Earth Angel Realms-Star People

Maybe you are one of the Starpeople?

Starpeople come from physical and nonphysical galaxies and took on Earthly lives to spread kindness on an "as needed" basis. Their collective niceness helps to defuse the anger, stress and rage that could lead to nuclear war. If Earth is destroyed, the negative effects will tipple through many galaxies. The Starperson’s assignment, then, is to prevent nuclear war at any cost. The main avenue for this lofty goal is through the expression of kindness and common decency to others–a domino effect of sorts.

On any given day, Starpeople calmly smile as they perform unselfish deeds for those whom they meet. Those whom they help barely notice them, yet Starpeople don’t perform acts of service in order to gain accolades. Such deeds are an innate necessity to them as if some sort of inner programming compels them to act. They aren’t concerned that people rarely thank them.

Starpeople, are everywhere that kindness is needed. They are grocery store checkers, postal clerks, bank tellers, and customer service agents. With their wallflower looks and personalities, Starpeople prefer to stay "behind the scenes." Their mission doesn’t call for high visibility. Quite the contrary, they are "undercover do-gooders," who hope no one notices them.

This is the first Earthly life for many of them. And because this planet is so violent, emotionally and physically, they often feel overwhelmed and wish to return home. After all, Earth is one of the most turbulent planets in the Universe, and in fact, the universal power have us quarantined so that we won’t harm other planets. Earth is considered as volatile as a teenager on steroids wielding a loaded gun.

Socially awkward du to their inexperience with Earth life, Starpeople may feel rejected by others. They are teased as children and even in adulthood as well. These experiences make them especially homesick for a planet where they fit in and know the rules of social engagement. Starpeople often have distinctive physical characteristics that set them apart. Rarely average height, most male Starpeople are tall and thin, with the females being small in stature, with either thin or heavyset bodies. Of course, there are exceptions, but in general, the Starpeople’s bodies like their lives are usually out of the norm in both bight or weight.

Starpeople’s faces can be long and thin, especially if they have tall, slender bodies. Starpeople who are petite have rounder faces. It appears that the planet-of-origin may influence their specific physical characteristics.

Across the board, Starpeople have unusually shaped and colored eyes. Its common for Starpeople to have crescent moon shaped eyes like an inverted U. Their eyes are often gray,

green, or black-brown, and seem to glow from within, as if they have bright lights behind them. Starpeople may also have rings of lighter color around their pupils.

Starpeople don’t like to call attention to themselves, they dress for comfort and practicality, instead of for fashion or show. Females were a minimum of makeup and don’t like to fuss with their hair.

They have paradoxical personalities. On the one hand, they’re eager to assist people without being asked. Yet, they also seem guarded and distant and may be perceived as "col." They are here to be helpful, without needing to get deeply involved in the process of feeling and emotions, which are foreign to them.

There is no astrological pattern. Many Starpeople wonder what their life purpose is and are relieved to find out that it involves being helpful on an ongoing and nonspecific basis in other words, to help in whatever way is necessary. There is no one specific "job" or "task" that they need to perform during their lifetimes as long as they’re dong their best to transform human frowns into smiles.

Connections with Home

Most Starpeople have interests in UFOs life on other planets, space travel, and Ets. They love the Star Trek TV series, works of science fiction and anything else that relates to these themes and topics. They completely relate to the movies K-Pax and Man Facing Southeast=t, tow films about Starpeople in human bodies who were diagnosed as delusional because they spoke the truth about their non=Earthly origins and were put into mental institutions.

As children Starpeople find that they have an intuitive understanding of spirituality. Many of them eschew traditional religion because it seems too restrictive compared to their understanding of the vastness of Spirit, Many of them recall being, or believe that they were, aboard a spacecraft in this lifetime. Several of the Starpeople even

know their planet of origin. Of course, this isn’t material normally discussed in polite company. Remember that these are very ordinary looking people who know that they aren’t from Earth. They’re everyone next-door neighbors, co-workers, and such.

Beings who live on other planets have much longer life expectancies than Earth beings. This is due to physiological differences in their bodies. In addition, they don’t undergo the stress, pollution, and toxic diets that create wear and tear on Earthly bodies.

Even though many Starpeople feel abandoned by their home planets as if they were dropped off here on Earth without any say in the matter, they still retain conceptions to home, it’s common for Starpeople to have Ets as their spirit guides. They also have etheric cords reaching to starship. And Starpeople frequently soul-travel to their home planets or starship during dream time or meditative sojourns.

Energy Work and Sensitivity

All of the Earth Angel realms report extreme sensitivity to energy from crowds, people, and places. Yet, the Starpeople realm is the most apt to study energy healing and make a career of it. In fact it’s amazing how many Starpeople make a living using their hands, whether through energy work, or via tactile occupations such as landscaping, construction, hair styling, manicuring massage and assembly-line work.

Reiki seems to be the number-one choice for energy healing work among Starpeople. This may be because Reiki energy originated from the Pleiades as a gift to Earth beings. It’s interesting that Reiki energy clairvoyantly looks like thin bands of rainbow strips, and this is also now the auras of Starpeople appear. They look like poles sticking vertically out of the Starperson’s body, like hairs standing on end.

Starpeople and Relationships

Starpeople may be born to non-Starpeople parents, These parents might not even be from any realm of the Earth Angels. As a result, the family is not able to relate to the Starperson child, and the boy or girl ends up feeling disconnected from the birth family. Indeed, most planets don’t have the birth and family systems of Earth life. Elsewhere, it’s common for beings to be birthed in laboratories, the "test tube baby." The emotional bonding that occurs in families here on Earth is alien to other planets as will. This is one reason why Starpeople may be perceived as friendly but distant. They’re helpful, yet there’s a certain degree off underlying coldness that’s evident if someone attempts to create a close bond. And no wonder, Starpeople are task oriented, not relationship oriented. They have a job to do, and they aren’t geared toward making relationships their to priority. Being with other Starpeople is a way of feeling accepted

When Starpeople do marry, they have very few children. They skip having children altogether. Starpeople often have C-section births. Perhaps that’s because on other planets, vaginal births are unheard of, since babies are "bred" in laboratories. In fact, many planets inhabitants are androgynous,, without clear gender distinctions.

Starpeople may have made a "contract" to not get married or have children while living an Earth life. They probably had no prior experiences with family and love relationships and didn’t even think to put marriage and children into their Earth life contract! Having family may interfere with the Starperson’s mission, and create karma that could keep them stuck in Earth’s reincarnation cycles.

Handling Earth Life

As mentioned earlier, Starpeople are extra sensitive to violence. All of the Earth Angel realms report an aversion toward violence and conflict. Of all the realms, Starpeople seem to be the most repulsed by fighting in any form. Starpeople see an eventual end to violence, if peace-loving men and women will take a stance in the form of prayers or guided action. In the meantime, Starpeople stay faithfully at their Earthly posts, being nice guys and gals in everyday situations.

Life-Path Work for Starpeople

Starpeople are multitaskers and may not settle on one particular career as their life’s mission. They may instead dabble with several careers consecutively or simultaneously. Starpeople make wonderful Reiki Masters, energy healers, massage therapists, chiropractors, and physical therapists. They also enjoy research, engineering, and support staff work. They have to believe in the goals of the company they work for or they will be miserable in their jobs. Starpeople are kind, hard-working and efficient, yet wrongly perceived as bing aloof or cold. They also prefer to be behind the scenes. Therefore, they are better off doing solo work.

Author Doreen Virtue, PH.D

Book Earth Angels

Could you be an Incarnated Elemental?

Incarnated Elementals physically look like their namesakes-that is, fairies, elves, pixies, gnomes, leprechauns, mermaids, dolphins, incarnated animals and unicorns. This group has fairies as their protective spirits.

Members of this g group have reddish hair, whether it’s full on read, auburn or strawberry blond, and a Celtic heritage or appearance, such as a ruddy complexion or freckles.

Angel or Elemental?

You probably saw yourself in the Incarnated Angels, but you identify strongly with Incarnated Elemental. If your confused about if you’re an Incarnated Angel or Incarnated Elemental, here are four questions you can ask yourself to help your distinguish between them.

1. How do I feel about rules? If you are an Incarnated Angel, you usually obey rules and get angry at people who break them. However, if you’re an Incarnated Elemental, then you can’t stand rules and think that people who abide by them are wimps.

2. Is t here mischief in my eyes? Elementals are fun-loving beings, often practical jokers, and are always looking for a laugh. If you wonder whether you’re an Angel or an Elemental, ask a close friend if you have "here comes trouble" eyes. This is a characteristic unique to Elementals.

3. What type of wings do I have? Angels have feathered wings, while many Elementals have butterfly or dragonfly wings. The only exceptions are Incarnated Merangels, who are half-angels and half-mermaids; and also incarnated unicorns, who sometimes have feathered, birdlike wings. These wings are etheric, not physical.

To determine your wing type, either consult a clairvoyant, or go within and feel for yourself. Focus upon your shoulder blades and feel or see (in your mind’s eye) whether the wings are large, eagle like appendages, or more like buzzing and beautiful butterfly or dragonfly wings

Also, note your body type; Incarnated Elementals have slim bodies (with the exception of voluptuous Mer-Angels), fast metabolisms, and sensitive nervous systems; while Incarnated Angels have voluptuous bodies, slow metabolisms, and mellow personalities.

4. What is my relationship to addictions? Most Incarnated Angels are co-dependents while Elementals are the addicts. Elementals love to party. Angels love to rescue! The exception is that many incarnated Angels are addicted to fool.

Other Distinguishing Characteristics

Incarnated Elementals are sometimes unsure if they are from the realm of the Wise Ones. That’s because Elementals have ancients histories and relationships with wizards, witches, and sorceresses. So the Wise Ones, feel very familiar to Incarnated Elementals. After all, the Elementals were there when the witches were burned, so they may have residual pain from that ear, even though they themselves weren’t killed. They may have memories of the burnings and confuse them with their own recollections. The primary difference is that Elementals are much more playful that Wise Ones, who tend to be extremely serious, or even somber or stern.

In fact, Incarnated Elementals sometimes get themselves into trouble with their wacky sense of humor. Their jokes may be ill timed, offensive, off color, or just plain inappropriate. But one of the Incarnated Elementals’ missions is to get the world to lighten up, smile, and laugh–even at their own expense.

In the spiritual Elemental kingdom, the fairies, elves, and others hold nightly parities filled with dancing, singing, storytelling, and laughter. They know the spiritual value of playfulness and joy! Not surprisingly their human counterparts also know how to enjoy themselves. Incarnated Elementals often become professional entertainers.

Author Doreen Virtue, PH.D.

Book: Earth Angel

Earth Angel Realms-Wise Ones

Wise Ones

"Reincarnated Sorceresses, High Priestesses, Sorcerers, Wizards, Shamans, and Witches."

Intense, Exotic, Eccentric. The Wise Ones glow from the inside. They look like romance-novel characters, usually with long, silky hair, oval face, and haunting eyes complete with a lifetime of shadows beneath them. Earth Angels from this realm possess profound wisdom and are highly intuitive. Their eyes are penetrating, and there’s’s no point in pretending or lying to Wise Ones, because truth is apparent to them. Eccentric and flamboyant, Wise Ones love to dress in flowing garments reminiscent of romance eras in the past. There’s a certain element of mystery accompanying each member of this realm. It’s obvious, when first meeting the gaze of Wise Ones, that they know .

The Wise Ones are humans with past lives in which they learned how to channel their power into miraculous healings and manifestations, including the ability to affect the weather and material objects. These are the extremely powerful and well-trained magicians of the human race who were called out of "retirement" from the spirit world in order to come back to Earth for the currently urgent situation on our planet.

Their energy is darker and heavier than the other Earth Angel realms. Wise Ones have a somber, serious, almost depressed energy, and they’re sometimes quite stern. In relationships, they are highly opinionated in a helpful way. They are the "stage moms" and directors of their friends and family members, always knowing the best route for others to take. If someone wants solid advice, they should ask a Wise One.

The Wise Ones have been humans for eons. Like the other Earth Angels, they feel "different." In fact, some Wise Ones proclaim, "I am different, and proud of it."

For that reason, the Wise Ones are more comfortable with Earth Life than those in other realms. They’re realistic, compassionate, and patient with people, and they have learned to enjoy their time here.

The History of the Wise Ones

The common denominator of Wise Ones is the number of years they’ve logged learning to harness their magical powers. Some developed their own interest in metaphysics, and others were handpicked as children and schooled in the psychic arts. The Wise Ones have lived as High-Priests and Priestesses in Atlantis, Ancient Greece, and Egypt, during Arthurian times, among the Mayans as Essen, and as native medicine men and women. They have witnessed civilizations destroyed, and people murdered for their spiritual beliefs. The Wise Ones know and appreciate the innate darkness within the human ego, but they have an even greater appreciation and respect for the heights to which humans are capable. And this what they’ve come back to teach.

One the other side, many Wise Ones were comfortably enjoying the afterlife plane. They’d created paradise-like communities in the spirit world, complete with castles, gardens, and waterfalls. Everything seemed wonderful. But then the Wise Ones were approached by a committee of guides that was trying to enlist retired "spiritual soldiers" back into service. They asked the Wise Ones to return to Earth to teach and model peacefulness, and to remind people how to use their inner power and strength to create harmony.

Some Wise Ones reluctantly agreed to return to Earth. Some Wise Ones did not take too graciously to Earth, others where depressed, and those who were best adjusted resumed the study of Earth-based spirituality such as astrology, Wicca, Kabbalistic magic, paganism, rituals, crystal healing, herbology, candle invocations, shamanism and so on.

Members of the Wise Ones realm have spent lifetimes developing their spiritual and magical gifts. They’re well practiced in the spiritual arts of manifestation, alchemy, and healing. They’re born as psychic children who may view their gifts as being curses, especially if they are prescient about a forthcoming "negative" situation. The children may blame themselves for not diverting a tragedy, since they foresaw it.

Some Wise Ones have vivid memories of past lives where they were witches, wizards, priests, and so on. The "Witch-Burning Craze" consisted of a mass superstition that anything bad-weathered spoiled crops or sick children-was caused by a witch’s spells. It was decided that the only way to purge this "evil" was through the burning of the witch’s blood.

Many Wise Ones hold back from unleashing their great power because of these ancient memories!

Wise Ones may dress eccentrically or romantically, reelecting their favorite past life period. Female Wise Ones prefer long, flowy gowns in dark colors, with chunky crystal necklaces. Males Wise Ones favor woven shirts in natural fabrics or Renaissance-style shirts. Males may wear spiritually significant pendant necklaces such as Celtic crosses or Ohm insignias. They often love to attend Renaissance Fairs in full costumes.

Wise Ones have dragons, wizards and goddesses as spirit guides. They are very interested in the study of ancient eras that may be regarded as mythical, such as Avalon, Atlantis and Lemuria. They collect wizard statues, and love books and movies dealing with magical themes, such as The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and anything related to Arthurian times. Many Wise Ones are also history buffs.

Wise Ones are also highly sensitive to moon phases–physically and emotionally affected by the full and new moon cycles. They often engage in full moon ceremonies and celebrate the equinoxes.

Patterns Among the Wise Ones

No clear-cut astrological pattern was apparent among the Wise Ones. They know their sun, moon rising, and ascendant astrological signs. Clearly the Wise Ones are knowledgeable about astrology and appreciative of its applications. They have had past or current history of heart and cardiovascular health conditions. Mitral valve prolapse, murmurs, and heart attacks were rampant among this realm. Could this be from heartache within the realm, for loving Earth and her people so much, and watching its potential destruction? Or, is it residual pain from the witch-hunts, where the Wise Ones blood was burned and their hearts impaled with stakes?

The Wise Ones in Relationships

Wise Ones long for a magical and mystical soulmate marriage. They may feel the elusive presence of a kindred soul whom they’ve known for many lifetimes. This leads to a search for the Beloved, and until he or she is found, the Wise One may choose to be romantically along. Or worse, the Wise One may try settling for an unfulfilling relationship.

In previous lives, wise Ones may have taken vows of chastity or celibacy. These unbroken vows can follow someone into a current life and wreak havoc.

Wise Ones do best in their love lives when they use their remarkable magical powers to manifest the love they seek. They do best when they have friends whom they respect and admire. Otherwise, the Wise One may have friends who are actually "clients." These "friendships" are one-sided, with the Wise One acting as teacher, and the friend acting as student. The Wise Ones never get a chance to discuss their own troubles because they’re cast in the strong, empowered role.

They are often accuse of being know-it-alls. This accusation actually has a kernel of truth to it, because Wise Ones are tapped into the all-knowing collective unconscious. They’re also highly psychic. Their children may accuse them of being controlling parents, because of this realm’s compulsion to teach. Wise Ones can’t not teach; however, they can temper their instruction so that it’s more palatable. Instead of lecturing, for example, they can create a teaching experience that’s entertaining and instructive.

As with their love lives, it’s important for Wise Ones to use conscious visualizations of happy, healthy relationships with friends and family. They can use that remarkable power to see themselves surrounded by strong and loving friends who help them.

Magical Wise Ones

If you’re a Wise One, you’re a highly trained magician, and if some part of your life isn’t working right now, take a proactive role in healing this area. If you passively wait for the Universe to direct you, you may find yourself spinning your wheels and going nowhere. That’s because Wise Ones such as yourself are co-creators, and the Universe prefers to await your wishes and to fulfill them as asked. But Wise Ones know from experience that not everything asked for leads to happiness. For this reason, it’s prudent to pray or ask for guidance to know what to ask for.

Wise Ones taken vows in your past lives as a spiritual aspirant or devotee. Among the most common are vows of suffering, self-sacrifice or retribution, poverty, charity, virginity, celibacy, obedience, and silence. Unless these vows are severed, they can follow you to Earth and place barriers in your love and sexual areas, finances and life in general. No one is truly free until these past-life vows are broken. The only healthy vows are those that you decide upon–the ones you make with yourself. Even then you’ll want to regularly review them to see if they’re still valid.

Life-Path Work for Wise Ones

As a Wise One, you’re a natural-born leader who’s respected because of your charisma, your air of confidence, the way that you carry yourself, and you personal power. People naturally respect and admire you, they’re even intimated by you. So they feel comfortable following your lead.

Due to your many lifetimes of spiritual learning and teaching, you’d probably enjoy a career as a spiritual teacher, astrologer, psychic, spiritual healer, channeler, or oracle card reader. Most Wise Ones don’t do well as employees or followers, unless you respect your boss or leader. You would make an excellent company president or entrepreneur, especially with your organizational skills combined with your intuitive knowledge of how to improve situations.

However, you, like most Wise Ones would feel frustrated working with unmotivated audiences or clients who won’t take your advice.

Author Doreen Virtue, PH.D.

Book Earth Angels

Earth Angel Realms- Incarnated Angels

You Might Be An Incarnated Angel If You...

Have a sweet, heart-shaped face.
Say "I'm sorry" a lot.
"Look" like an angel (whether male or female).
Have overeating or weight issues.
Gravitate to the helping fields of nursing, teaching, counselors, or healing.
Lighten or highlight your hair.
Are very trusting of people.
Feel guilty saying no to others.
Seem to glow with a large aura.
Fall in love with someone's potential and try to coach them to greatness.
Tend to have codependent relationships with addicts and alcoholics.
Stay in relationships much longer than a normal person might.
Love following rules and don't like them broken.
Are really good at giving, but not at receiving.

from Earth Angels by Doreen Virtue

Monday, September 15, 2014

Third Quarter Moon Ritual ~ September 15, 2014

Monday Sept. 15 the moon enters its final quarter where we continue to focus on decreasing and removing the blocks and negative energies that may be inhibiting our ability to manifest our goals. Until the new moon in a couple of weeks we will continue this type of work.
On this day I would like to suggest working with the energy of one of the 72 angels of The Tree of Life who rules the days of Sept. 13-17. This angel’s name is Chavakhiah and if you were born on one of these dates, then Chavakhiah is one of your guardian angels. This is a very family oriented angel and with the kids going back to school and our bringing in the harvest for the winter months ahead we are focusing more on family. If you have wishes that center on helping to bring more harmony to your family life, or if you wish to create your own family, then take steps to remove the blocks to manifesting your dreams. Other areas governed by the angel Chavakhiah are: reconciliation, loyalty, appreciation, ability to bring out ancestral wisdom, humanities and social sciences, mediation, peacemaking, inheritance, donations, and sharing of possessions.
I suggest first starting with cleaning the house and doing a thorough cleansing both physically and energetically with smudging, incense, and candle burning. Next take a sea salt bath and see yourself cleansed on all levels. Then visually see your home and your aura filling with white protective light. You don’t want to cleanse your surrounding energy and create a vacuum to attract other unwanted energies, so always set up protection after you cleanse.
Now you are ready to work with Chavakhiah. Go to a quiet place and get comfortable. You might like to light a white candle and burn some incense. Angels love frankincense, myrrh, copal, rose and lavender incense, so those are go-to incenses when working with angels.  Ground and center yourself and take a few deep breaths. Continuing to breathe deeply, close your eyes and chant, “Chavakhiah, Chavakhiah, Chavakhiah”, as you exhale, then add what you would like help removing from your life. For instance, you might say, “Chavakhiah, Chavakhiah, Chavakhiah, please help remove all obstacles to family harmony in my home, in a positive way, harming none. “  Do this several times until you feel you are finished (at least three times). Close by saying, “Thank you, thank you, thank you. And so it is!”Sit in stillness and just be open to any angel messages you might receive for a few minutes. It would be a great idea to do this meditation each day through Sept. 17. You may start to notice signs and messages from Chavakhiah. Don’t be discouraged if things get a little worse in this area of your life at first, the energy to remove obstacles can at first meet with resistance but will eventually clear the way for improvement.
Happy Manifesting!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Making the Switch to Western Sidereal Astrology

I became fascinated with astrology when I was only about 12 years old. Since I am way past middle age and well into my crone years, my studies started back before the time of personal computers. I read whatever books I could get my hands on (mostly from the public library), and I sent away to the Rosacrucian Society for a manual to help me cast astrological charts by hand. I don’t think I could cast one this way myself nowadays, but I could do it back then. I even got to where I could look at some people and know their sign, and I would be right!  Having been such a devotee of astrology and having used the common western tropical system for so many years, it might seem strange that I would switch to a whole different system that actually makes me a different sign. The reasons to switch and the evidence I found, however, made me make up my mind in favor of using the sidereal system.
Some of the things I found out about the tropical astrology system, which is the system used to write most of the astrology columns that you see in the newspapers were eye opening. I learned that astronomers, those scientists that study the stars and planets and have nothing to do with astrology, see different constellations when they observe the sky than the tropical astrologers do. Actually…. I don’t think astrologers look at the constellations through a telescope much.  On December 7th, for instance, astronomers see the constellation Scorpio in the sky. Most people born on that date would think they were a Sagittarius, but that’s not what the astronomers see in the sky! Astronomers use …..wait for it!…….a sidereal system when they observe the cosmos.  That was what really convinced me to switch to Sidereal Astrology from Tropical Astrology. You can’t argue with the facts.
In India they have used the sidereal system all along. The first time I visited a Jyotish website and got my free chart calculated I thought they had done it wrong. Moon in Pisces? Nah, it’s in Aries! Then I got the explanation: they use the sidereal system. Intriguing. …Here was an entire civilization that had been casting horoscopes differently for hundreds of years. Many die-hard tropical system astrologers argue that the Indian system is ancient and so works for a very spiritually oriented country. How do you figure?? They are using the up to date constellations that the astronomers are using! It seems like the westerners have been a little more backward than India has been, since I think that’s what they are implying. Just saying….
So here is what has been happening and why there is a difference in the dates for the two zodiacs. The cosmos is constantly moving. The constellations are moving in a way that is called “precession” and are progressing through the heavens in a way that puts them now in different places than they were, say, a thousand years ago. The present popular western tropical astrology uses the dates for the signs that were used back in ancient Rome. At that time the sun really did move into Aries on March 20th. Now, the seasons haven’t really changed. Spring still starts on March 20, but the sun is in the sign Pisces on that date these days. Sometime far into the future the sun will be in Aquarius on that date because of the precession of the constellations.  I think people got used to thinking of astrology in terms of the seasons, and not which constellations were actually overhead. That makes sense and seems like a natural way to think, especially if you don’t have access to a telescope and the knowledge of an astronomer to go with it. A man named Cyril Fagan, who lived in the early part of the 20th century, was the main person to start rocking the boat and say, “Hey, you astrologers, your charts are wrong!” Of course, the astrologers ignored him. It would mean getting a brand new ephemeris and trying to explain to people why you are suddenly changing their sign. That would be way too inconvenient, so most of those astrologers decided to not listen to Cyril. Mr. Fagan was much better at math than I am and could explain all about precessions and that sort of thing in detail mathematically. If you would like to read about all the math and such involved in explaining precessions you can read his book, Primer of Sidereal Astrology.
So what’s your sign? Well, through precession the constellations have moved backwards by about 24 degrees. Each sign measures 30 degrees on the horoscope wheel, so you can see that those people born near the end of a sign in tropical astrology are still the same sign. My son, for example was born Nov. 19th. Scorpio, in the tropical system changes to Sagittarius around Nov. 23rd, just a few days after his birthday, so he is still a Scorpio in the sidereal system. Another thing to consider is that you are more than your sun sign. All the planets are in signs in your chart, as well, and you have a rising sign or ascendant that describes you. For the most part, planets remain in the same houses in both systems and the houses in a chart describe all the different areas of your life. But if you are curious about your sidereal sun sign here are the dates:
May 15th to June 16th: Sun is in Sidereal Taurus.
June 16th to July 17th: Sun is in Sidereal Gemini.
July 17th to August 17th: Sun is in Sidereal Cancer.
August 17th to September 17th: Sun is in Sidereal Leo.
September 17th to October 17th: Sun is in Sidereal Virgo.
October 17th to November 17th: Sun is in Sidereal Libra.
November 17th to December 16th: Sun is in Sidereal Scorpio.
December 16th to January 15th: Sun is in Sidereal Sagittarius.
January 15th to February 15th: Sun is in Sidereal Capricorn.
February 15th to March 15th: Sun is in Sidereal Aquarius.
March 15th to April 15th: Sun is in Sidereal Pisces.
April 15th to May 15th: Sun is in Sidereal Aries.
Recently I had Marie Spider at do a basic chart for me. I was blown away by her accuracy. I had felt a little like a Sagi all these years but I really identify with a Scorpio sun sign which I am in the sidereal system. I had thought the Scorpio I felt before was from my sun being so close to the 8thhouse, but a Scorpio sun makes more sense.  I still have Sagittarius tendencies because of my Mercury in Sagittarius. The Aries I felt from a moon I thought was in Aries is really from my Aries ascendant, and a Pisces moon adds some information that was lacking in the tropical system of astrology.
Here are some websites that explain Western Sidereal Astrology in more detail. See what you think.

I am a convert to the western sidereal system and will be using that system as a reference in my blog posts from now on. My Manifesting with the Moon blogs will now focus on the sidereal system. I think we are going to start seeing more and more sites and blogs focusing on sidereal astrology, and we will have more access to info to help us learn a new way of looking at ourselves and those around us through the heavens.


Full Moon Burning Bowl Ceremony ~ Monday, Sept. 8th, 2014

Not only is the full moon and excellent time to charge crystals (and yourself!) in the moonlight, it is also a great time to perform a burning bowl ceremony! This is a time to rid yourself of those things you are willing to give up once and for all. If you are truly motivated, then read on!

This month the full moon is exact on Monday, Sept. 8 at 6 38 PM Pacific, 9 38 PM eastern time. The Native Americans called this moon the Full Corn Moon. This full Moon corresponds with the time of harvesting corn. It is also called the Barley Moon, because it is the time to harvest and thresh the ripened barley. The Harvest Moon is the full Moon nearest the autumnal equinox, which can occur in September or October and is bright enough to allow finishing all the harvest chores. This full moon will be in the sign Aquarius (in Western Sidereal astrology). This is an excellent time to rid yourself of issues involving:  Cold aloofness, fear of involvement, erratic or shocking behavior, inflexible opinions, pain or disease of the ankles and claves, circulation, cramps and spasms, varicose veins.
Here’s what you do:

  • Full Moon Burning Bowl
Supplies: pieces of paper, pencil, heat proof container to burn pieces of paper, matches, water (just in case!)

  1. Write down what you would like to get rid of on a small piece of paper. Sign and date the paper.
  2. Read what you have written aloud.
Example:” I now rid myself of the habit of procrastinating.”
  1. Light the paper and place it in the heatproof container.
  2. Visualize your “problem” going up in smoke!
If you wish you may call upon Archangel Uriel and the angels of the full moon to be present and assist you. You can also set the scene with the following elements: Air, color-iridescent blue, yellow; herbs, oils, incense -lemon verbena, pine, star anise. Be creative!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

First Quarter Moon For On-going Manifesting ~ Tuesday, September 2, 2014

During the time of the new moon we made our wish list of those things that we most wanted to bring into our lives. As the moon grows larger, until it becomes full, it is waxing and is a good time to “grow” or “increase”. When you apply that idea to the things you want to manifest, the energy of this moon period will nurture and “grow” your wishes. Just think of the new moon as a time when you planted a seed. If you were to walk away and pay no more attention to the seed it might or might not grow. If you really wanted to make sure the seed grew, you would water it and protect it so that your chances of the seed becoming a mature plant would really increase. So it is with manifesting. Nurture your dreams and they are more likely to bloom and grow.

On Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014 the moon will reach the first quarter of this moon cycle. This is an excellent time to do the following in regards to helping your wishes become reality:
If you choose, light a green or white candle and call upon the angels of the waxing moon.

Take out the wish list you made at the new moon and read it over.
Visualize your wishes one at a time as if they were already there in front of you on a mini movie screen.  As you visualize each manifestation raise your hands in front of you and send energy from your hands to the vision on the movie screen. You are “growing” your wish in this way. Be sure not to stress over a feeling of lack and anxiety at not yet having what you want. You must focus on the sense of joy at seeing that wish happen. Then imagine that you are breathing in the image on the screen and internalizing your wish. Go ahead, take a deep breath and breathe it in! Feel yourself vacuuming the vision right into your chest. You have just internalized the energy of your wish. Do this for each of your ten wishes on your New Moon Manifesting List.

Another technique that you can do, either in addition to or instead of the first technique, is to visualize each wish on the top surface of a glass of drinking water. This is almost like scrying, only you are consciously seeing your vision in the water. Give energy to the water vision with your hands, as in the first technique, and then drink the glass of water. This is also a good way to hydrate yourself! Being hydrated is especially important when you are doing work of a spiritual nature, but you might want to make sure the glasses of water aren’t too big, especially if you have ten wishes.

So there you have it! Give it a try, and see how much faster your wishes come true!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

New Moon Manifesting ~Monday, August 25, 2014

Use the Energy of the Moon to Revitalize Your Life!

The new moon phase is an excellent time to give birth to new ideas and projects. It’s also a great time to write a wish list of those things you would most like to bring into your life. Writing a manifesting wish list, along with creating vision boards can get amazing results. Give it a try! You may be pleasantly surprised at the positive energy you generate to help realize your dreams!

The next new moon manifesting should take place on: August 25 at 7:12 am PDT until August 27 at 2:54 pm PDT (refer to your time zone for your personal time to manifest)

The moon will be in the sign: Virgo
This sign makes it a good time to manifest in the areas of: Physical health/diet/exercise, work/job, efficient organizing, clear discrimination, helpfulness, order.

Set the scene by lighting a silver or dark blue/violet candle and burning some clary sage, lemon balm or honeysuckle incense. Call on Archangel Metatron-the hardworking, industrious, inventive, curious, serious, perfectionist to assist you in your manifesting since he works well with the Virgo energies.

·         The best time to do your manifesting is within 8 hours after the time given above (not before).
·         Wish for no more than 10 things and not less than 2.
·         You can rephrase a wish if you wish and count it as another wish (adds more power to that wish).
·         You can only wish for yourself since we all have free will.:-)
·         Handwrite your list, number each wish and sign your list.
·         You can do whatever you like with your list short of throwing it away (examples: reread it every day, sleep with it under your pillow, give it reiki, whatever…)

Note that these are not affirmations (yang), but wishes (yin). Not, “I have lots of money” (present tense - yang);but, “I desire abundance in my finances”, or “I want to easily attract financial abundance.”(being receptive - yin). You can still make positive affirmations anytime you want. Please do!

     Also create a vision board or treasure map!

Resources- There are lots of books on the subject on! And there are a lot of websites that sell software to make vision boards.
Best time to make a vision board: New Moon in Aries (most powerful), or any new moon will do also.

Supplies: Poster board, magazines, pictures, stickers, ribbons, scissors, glue

1.     Set the scene with the candles and incense mentioned above for Metatron / Virgo
2.    Set your intent to create a vision of joy for your life. You may focus on one theme or more than one theme.
3.    Cut out images that cause you to have a strong, positive, emotional reaction.
4.    Arrange and glue the images on your poster board in a pleasing design. The board should be something that always elicits a positive and even joyous reaction whenever you see it. You can glue a photo of yourself in the center of the board.
5.    Hang your vision board in a place where you will see it often. Do not place it in a place where you feel others may criticize it or cause you to have to feel like you have to defend your board in some way.

Happy Manifesting!


Monday, July 14, 2014

Oracle Reading for the Week of July14-20

The animal totem card I drew for this week is Cat. Cat is about guardianship, detachment, and sensuality. Cat teaches us to observe without making judgements. This week try to exercise detachment and not make hasty judgements about others. Use all of your senses to make observations about what is going on in your world. How is Spirit contacting you?

Monday, July 14- The moon is now waning or decreasing in the appearance of its size. Now we focus on decreasing what we need to get rid of. Whether it is cleaning out the garage or closet, or breaking a bad habit, the waning moon is the time for banishing. During the morning the moon is in Aquarius but in the afternoon it goes void of course. Conduct meetings and work on important projects in the early part of the day. 

Tuesday, July 15- The moon is in emotional Pisces. Use that energy in artistic ways. Don't let your emotions get in the way of your better judgement.  Also, be careful with drugs and alcohol.

Wednesday, July 16- Moon is still waning in Pisces so more of the same as yesterday. This evening the moon goes void so go to bed early!

Thursday, July 17- The moon is in Aries so new energy arrives on the scene! A good time to brainstorm and get 'er done! It's thought that the Aries moon is not a good time to visit the dentist. 

Friday, July 18- The moon enters the last quarter and there is a certain restlessness. People want to make a statement and show others how accomplished they are. It's better to use the last of the Aries energy on this day to finish up a project that has been started already, rather than start something new that just popped into your head. The moon goes void this evening.

Saturday, July 19- The moon is in Taurus and also waning. This is a good time for anything that needs patience and perseverance (like cleaning the garage or closet!). On the other hand, you could just cuddle up on the couch and kick back. It is the weekend after all! Just don't attempt anything that requires quick wittedness and reflexes. Not a good day to try out your friend's new motorcycle.

Sunday, July 20- The moon keeps tooling along in laid back Taurus, so much the same as yesterday. Enjoy a lazy summer day with someone close to you. Oh, and water the house plants! A Taurus moon is great for gardening.

Have an amazing week!


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Summertime Special at Angel Wings

 Feeling confused? Experiencing some blocks to your progress these days? Maybe your problem is tied to a past life experience. Often if we can identify the source of the problem, we can more easily find a solution and move on.
I have a summertime special being offered on my website: An Online Past Life Reading for just $20. Stop by my site and check out what else I am offering, as well. Angel Wings Intuitive Counseling


Monday, July 7, 2014

Oracle for the Week of July 7- 13

This week's Celtic animal totem is Bear or "Art". King Arthur was actually named after the bear. Among the Celtic people it was flattering to be told you had the qualities of Bear.

Bear is about primal power and sovereignty. Bear is also about intuition working with instinct. This week follow your intuition. You will have the opportunity to become a spiritual warrior. It is also a time to get in touch with your deepest ancestral roots. Interestingly, the ancestral roots and the home are areas ruled by the sign Cancer, and that is where the sun stands this week.

Monday, July 7th- The moon is waxing or increasing in brightness so work on manifesting in the area of growing or increasing whatever it is you are focusing on bringing into your life. The moon is in the sign of Scorpio. Passions and intense emotions may be spotlighted. Just make sure you aren't looking at things with your blinders on today.

Tuesday, July 8th - The moon is void for most of the afternoon, so get meetings and important work out of the way in the morning hours. The Scorpio moon during the morning should help with focus and intensity if that is needed.

Wednesday, July 9th - Moon is still waxing and the moon now, in Sagittarius, is all about expansion! Generosity and exchanging advice are highlighted. Not a good time for pursuits where attention to detail is required.

Thursday, July 10th - Same influence as yesterday until the evening hours when the moon goes void of course. Since it is Thursday, however, abundance is even more highlighted. Maybe you should buy that Lotto ticket today!

Friday, July 11th- Moon is in Capricorn all day. Strictness and formality are highlighted. Not the best day to ask your boss or superior for favors that require him to feel sympathy towards you. Discipline is highlighted, so head for the gym and work on your beach body, since it's Friday and beauty is highlighted.  

Saturday, July 12th - Full moon today, so watch out! It is a time of excess and overflowing. This can be good if you are swimming in positive abundance; but there can be excesses of emotions, on the other hand. When the moon goes void during the evening hours it might be a good idea to just stay home and munch popcorn in front of the TV, or curl up with a good book. Just saying.....

Sunday, July 13th - The moon is in Aquarius all day. There is an emphasis on friends and humanitarian pursuits. Aquarius is also about eccentricity and technology, as well as learning new things. Anything you find boring, however, is just going to seem even more boring today.

Have a great Week!



Monday, June 30, 2014

Daily Oracle Reading for the Week of June 30-July 6, 2014

This week the animal totem to focus on is HORSE. Horse represents movement or travel. Many of us in the USA may be taking trips to celebrate Independence Day with family and friends. Another type of travel might be, however, on the mental plane through explorations on the spiritual level. Horse is associated with the goddesses Epona and Rhiannon, both very powerful maiden energies. As we come out of Mercury retrograde this week consider what projects you want to initiate and how you should proceed.  

This week the moon is waxing, which is a time for increase and building. 

Monday, June 30- the moon is in the sign of Leo, a fiery sign, who likes to bask in the spotlight. People will be focused on entertainment and perhaps a love interest. Children may also be spotlighted. A good day for get-togethers.

Tuesday, July 1-The moon is void on this day until the evening hours. It is in the process of changing from Leo to Virgo. It is believed that anything undertaken during a void of course period will bring no result. However, on the bright side (you know there is one!), others are less able to give you problems if that is their intent.

Wednesday, July 2- The moon is in Virgo. Health, cleanliness, order and attention to detail are spotlighted today.

Thursday, July 3-The moon is still in Virgo until this evening when it goes void. Try to finish up all those to-dos in the early part of the day.

Friday, July 4- Early in the morning in the US the moon enters the sign of Libra just in time for 4th of July celebrations. Libra brings socializing and friendly gatherings. Things might also take a romantic turn! However, people will be feeling indecisive. 

Saturday, July 5- The moon reaches the first quarter. People are going to be feeling impatient and want to see some action in their current projects. They might even be feeling a little overconfident, and with the moon still in romantic Libra there may be Romeos coming out of the woodwork!

Sunday, July 6- The moon continues to wax and increase is emphasized. However, put off starting major projects until later in the day, i.e. late afternoon or evening when the moon enters Scorpio with all its intensity.

Have a great week!