Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Working with St. Anthony


St. Anthony, St. Anthony, Please come around! Something’s lost that must be found!”

This is a little charm that people say when they are calling on St. Anthony to help find a lost item. Some also call on Anthony to help find their path in life and how to proceed. It is even said that Anthony can even help find your soul mate. I suppose that last one is worth a try, although some say it’s stretching it to involve St. Anthony in your love life. 

Working with saints is a wonderful way to enhance your manifesting. The way I see it, saints were once mortal human beings like we are now. They were good, enlightened  people. That’s why they’re saints! Their mission in life was to help others, and now that they are in the spirit realm they can help even more. From my experience, you don’t have to be any specific religion to work with saints and angels. But showing respect and building a relationship is key. You can ask a saint to intercede for you and deliver a request to the Divine Spirit. Of course, you can make that request yourself directly, but like a prayer chain, there’s power in numbers! Saints are usually very willing to help out. Just be respectful. 

Having a “friend” that only shows up when they want something from you is annoying, to say the least. So don’t be that way with your spiritual allies. Burn them a candle, set out a glass of water and some of their favorite flowers, and talk to them in prayer (meditation). When they do help you out be sure to thank them! Some people even post thank yous to saints in the newspaper! 

Back to St Anthony, I actually first called on him to help me find something when I was desperate. I found the missing item right away! So I did things kind of backwards in this case, but I now keep an electric St Anthony candle going for him every evening. His feast day is June 13 and it’s a good idea to honor a saint on their special day. Burning a 7 day jar candle and speaking your thanks from the heart to a saint for 9 days (called a novena) is an excellent way to honor your special spiritual helper. 

Here is an article telling more about the story of St Anthony of Padua:

