Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Working with St. Anthony


St. Anthony, St. Anthony, Please come around! Something’s lost that must be found!”

This is a little charm that people say when they are calling on St. Anthony to help find a lost item. Some also call on Anthony to help find their path in life and how to proceed. It is even said that Anthony can even help find your soul mate. I suppose that last one is worth a try, although some say it’s stretching it to involve St. Anthony in your love life. 

Working with saints is a wonderful way to enhance your manifesting. The way I see it, saints were once mortal human beings like we are now. They were good, enlightened  people. That’s why they’re saints! Their mission in life was to help others, and now that they are in the spirit realm they can help even more. From my experience, you don’t have to be any specific religion to work with saints and angels. But showing respect and building a relationship is key. You can ask a saint to intercede for you and deliver a request to the Divine Spirit. Of course, you can make that request yourself directly, but like a prayer chain, there’s power in numbers! Saints are usually very willing to help out. Just be respectful. 

Having a “friend” that only shows up when they want something from you is annoying, to say the least. So don’t be that way with your spiritual allies. Burn them a candle, set out a glass of water and some of their favorite flowers, and talk to them in prayer (meditation). When they do help you out be sure to thank them! Some people even post thank yous to saints in the newspaper! 

Back to St Anthony, I actually first called on him to help me find something when I was desperate. I found the missing item right away! So I did things kind of backwards in this case, but I now keep an electric St Anthony candle going for him every evening. His feast day is June 13 and it’s a good idea to honor a saint on their special day. Burning a 7 day jar candle and speaking your thanks from the heart to a saint for 9 days (called a novena) is an excellent way to honor your special spiritual helper. 

Here is an article telling more about the story of St Anthony of Padua:



Monday, September 8, 2014

Making the Switch to Western Sidereal Astrology

I became fascinated with astrology when I was only about 12 years old. Since I am way past middle age and well into my crone years, my studies started back before the time of personal computers. I read whatever books I could get my hands on (mostly from the public library), and I sent away to the Rosacrucian Society for a manual to help me cast astrological charts by hand. I don’t think I could cast one this way myself nowadays, but I could do it back then. I even got to where I could look at some people and know their sign, and I would be right!  Having been such a devotee of astrology and having used the common western tropical system for so many years, it might seem strange that I would switch to a whole different system that actually makes me a different sign. The reasons to switch and the evidence I found, however, made me make up my mind in favor of using the sidereal system.
Some of the things I found out about the tropical astrology system, which is the system used to write most of the astrology columns that you see in the newspapers were eye opening. I learned that astronomers, those scientists that study the stars and planets and have nothing to do with astrology, see different constellations when they observe the sky than the tropical astrologers do. Actually…. I don’t think astrologers look at the constellations through a telescope much.  On December 7th, for instance, astronomers see the constellation Scorpio in the sky. Most people born on that date would think they were a Sagittarius, but that’s not what the astronomers see in the sky! Astronomers use …..wait for it!…….a sidereal system when they observe the cosmos.  That was what really convinced me to switch to Sidereal Astrology from Tropical Astrology. You can’t argue with the facts.
In India they have used the sidereal system all along. The first time I visited a Jyotish website and got my free chart calculated I thought they had done it wrong. Moon in Pisces? Nah, it’s in Aries! Then I got the explanation: they use the sidereal system. Intriguing. …Here was an entire civilization that had been casting horoscopes differently for hundreds of years. Many die-hard tropical system astrologers argue that the Indian system is ancient and so works for a very spiritually oriented country. How do you figure?? They are using the up to date constellations that the astronomers are using! It seems like the westerners have been a little more backward than India has been, since I think that’s what they are implying. Just saying….
So here is what has been happening and why there is a difference in the dates for the two zodiacs. The cosmos is constantly moving. The constellations are moving in a way that is called “precession” and are progressing through the heavens in a way that puts them now in different places than they were, say, a thousand years ago. The present popular western tropical astrology uses the dates for the signs that were used back in ancient Rome. At that time the sun really did move into Aries on March 20th. Now, the seasons haven’t really changed. Spring still starts on March 20, but the sun is in the sign Pisces on that date these days. Sometime far into the future the sun will be in Aquarius on that date because of the precession of the constellations.  I think people got used to thinking of astrology in terms of the seasons, and not which constellations were actually overhead. That makes sense and seems like a natural way to think, especially if you don’t have access to a telescope and the knowledge of an astronomer to go with it. A man named Cyril Fagan, who lived in the early part of the 20th century, was the main person to start rocking the boat and say, “Hey, you astrologers, your charts are wrong!” Of course, the astrologers ignored him. It would mean getting a brand new ephemeris and trying to explain to people why you are suddenly changing their sign. That would be way too inconvenient, so most of those astrologers decided to not listen to Cyril. Mr. Fagan was much better at math than I am and could explain all about precessions and that sort of thing in detail mathematically. If you would like to read about all the math and such involved in explaining precessions you can read his book, Primer of Sidereal Astrology.
So what’s your sign? Well, through precession the constellations have moved backwards by about 24 degrees. Each sign measures 30 degrees on the horoscope wheel, so you can see that those people born near the end of a sign in tropical astrology are still the same sign. My son, for example was born Nov. 19th. Scorpio, in the tropical system changes to Sagittarius around Nov. 23rd, just a few days after his birthday, so he is still a Scorpio in the sidereal system. Another thing to consider is that you are more than your sun sign. All the planets are in signs in your chart, as well, and you have a rising sign or ascendant that describes you. For the most part, planets remain in the same houses in both systems and the houses in a chart describe all the different areas of your life. But if you are curious about your sidereal sun sign here are the dates:
May 15th to June 16th: Sun is in Sidereal Taurus.
June 16th to July 17th: Sun is in Sidereal Gemini.
July 17th to August 17th: Sun is in Sidereal Cancer.
August 17th to September 17th: Sun is in Sidereal Leo.
September 17th to October 17th: Sun is in Sidereal Virgo.
October 17th to November 17th: Sun is in Sidereal Libra.
November 17th to December 16th: Sun is in Sidereal Scorpio.
December 16th to January 15th: Sun is in Sidereal Sagittarius.
January 15th to February 15th: Sun is in Sidereal Capricorn.
February 15th to March 15th: Sun is in Sidereal Aquarius.
March 15th to April 15th: Sun is in Sidereal Pisces.
April 15th to May 15th: Sun is in Sidereal Aries.
Recently I had Marie Spider at do a basic chart for me. I was blown away by her accuracy. I had felt a little like a Sagi all these years but I really identify with a Scorpio sun sign which I am in the sidereal system. I had thought the Scorpio I felt before was from my sun being so close to the 8thhouse, but a Scorpio sun makes more sense.  I still have Sagittarius tendencies because of my Mercury in Sagittarius. The Aries I felt from a moon I thought was in Aries is really from my Aries ascendant, and a Pisces moon adds some information that was lacking in the tropical system of astrology.
Here are some websites that explain Western Sidereal Astrology in more detail. See what you think.

I am a convert to the western sidereal system and will be using that system as a reference in my blog posts from now on. My Manifesting with the Moon blogs will now focus on the sidereal system. I think we are going to start seeing more and more sites and blogs focusing on sidereal astrology, and we will have more access to info to help us learn a new way of looking at ourselves and those around us through the heavens.


Full Moon Burning Bowl Ceremony ~ Monday, Sept. 8th, 2014

Not only is the full moon and excellent time to charge crystals (and yourself!) in the moonlight, it is also a great time to perform a burning bowl ceremony! This is a time to rid yourself of those things you are willing to give up once and for all. If you are truly motivated, then read on!

This month the full moon is exact on Monday, Sept. 8 at 6 38 PM Pacific, 9 38 PM eastern time. The Native Americans called this moon the Full Corn Moon. This full Moon corresponds with the time of harvesting corn. It is also called the Barley Moon, because it is the time to harvest and thresh the ripened barley. The Harvest Moon is the full Moon nearest the autumnal equinox, which can occur in September or October and is bright enough to allow finishing all the harvest chores. This full moon will be in the sign Aquarius (in Western Sidereal astrology). This is an excellent time to rid yourself of issues involving:  Cold aloofness, fear of involvement, erratic or shocking behavior, inflexible opinions, pain or disease of the ankles and claves, circulation, cramps and spasms, varicose veins.
Here’s what you do:

  • Full Moon Burning Bowl
Supplies: pieces of paper, pencil, heat proof container to burn pieces of paper, matches, water (just in case!)

  1. Write down what you would like to get rid of on a small piece of paper. Sign and date the paper.
  2. Read what you have written aloud.
Example:” I now rid myself of the habit of procrastinating.”
  1. Light the paper and place it in the heatproof container.
  2. Visualize your “problem” going up in smoke!
If you wish you may call upon Archangel Uriel and the angels of the full moon to be present and assist you. You can also set the scene with the following elements: Air, color-iridescent blue, yellow; herbs, oils, incense -lemon verbena, pine, star anise. Be creative!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

First Quarter Moon For On-going Manifesting ~ Tuesday, September 2, 2014

During the time of the new moon we made our wish list of those things that we most wanted to bring into our lives. As the moon grows larger, until it becomes full, it is waxing and is a good time to “grow” or “increase”. When you apply that idea to the things you want to manifest, the energy of this moon period will nurture and “grow” your wishes. Just think of the new moon as a time when you planted a seed. If you were to walk away and pay no more attention to the seed it might or might not grow. If you really wanted to make sure the seed grew, you would water it and protect it so that your chances of the seed becoming a mature plant would really increase. So it is with manifesting. Nurture your dreams and they are more likely to bloom and grow.

On Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014 the moon will reach the first quarter of this moon cycle. This is an excellent time to do the following in regards to helping your wishes become reality:
If you choose, light a green or white candle and call upon the angels of the waxing moon.

Take out the wish list you made at the new moon and read it over.
Visualize your wishes one at a time as if they were already there in front of you on a mini movie screen.  As you visualize each manifestation raise your hands in front of you and send energy from your hands to the vision on the movie screen. You are “growing” your wish in this way. Be sure not to stress over a feeling of lack and anxiety at not yet having what you want. You must focus on the sense of joy at seeing that wish happen. Then imagine that you are breathing in the image on the screen and internalizing your wish. Go ahead, take a deep breath and breathe it in! Feel yourself vacuuming the vision right into your chest. You have just internalized the energy of your wish. Do this for each of your ten wishes on your New Moon Manifesting List.

Another technique that you can do, either in addition to or instead of the first technique, is to visualize each wish on the top surface of a glass of drinking water. This is almost like scrying, only you are consciously seeing your vision in the water. Give energy to the water vision with your hands, as in the first technique, and then drink the glass of water. This is also a good way to hydrate yourself! Being hydrated is especially important when you are doing work of a spiritual nature, but you might want to make sure the glasses of water aren’t too big, especially if you have ten wishes.

So there you have it! Give it a try, and see how much faster your wishes come true!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

New Moon Manifesting ~Monday, August 25, 2014

Use the Energy of the Moon to Revitalize Your Life!

The new moon phase is an excellent time to give birth to new ideas and projects. It’s also a great time to write a wish list of those things you would most like to bring into your life. Writing a manifesting wish list, along with creating vision boards can get amazing results. Give it a try! You may be pleasantly surprised at the positive energy you generate to help realize your dreams!

The next new moon manifesting should take place on: August 25 at 7:12 am PDT until August 27 at 2:54 pm PDT (refer to your time zone for your personal time to manifest)

The moon will be in the sign: Virgo
This sign makes it a good time to manifest in the areas of: Physical health/diet/exercise, work/job, efficient organizing, clear discrimination, helpfulness, order.

Set the scene by lighting a silver or dark blue/violet candle and burning some clary sage, lemon balm or honeysuckle incense. Call on Archangel Metatron-the hardworking, industrious, inventive, curious, serious, perfectionist to assist you in your manifesting since he works well with the Virgo energies.

·         The best time to do your manifesting is within 8 hours after the time given above (not before).
·         Wish for no more than 10 things and not less than 2.
·         You can rephrase a wish if you wish and count it as another wish (adds more power to that wish).
·         You can only wish for yourself since we all have free will.:-)
·         Handwrite your list, number each wish and sign your list.
·         You can do whatever you like with your list short of throwing it away (examples: reread it every day, sleep with it under your pillow, give it reiki, whatever…)

Note that these are not affirmations (yang), but wishes (yin). Not, “I have lots of money” (present tense - yang);but, “I desire abundance in my finances”, or “I want to easily attract financial abundance.”(being receptive - yin). You can still make positive affirmations anytime you want. Please do!

     Also create a vision board or treasure map!

Resources- There are lots of books on the subject on! And there are a lot of websites that sell software to make vision boards.
Best time to make a vision board: New Moon in Aries (most powerful), or any new moon will do also.

Supplies: Poster board, magazines, pictures, stickers, ribbons, scissors, glue

1.     Set the scene with the candles and incense mentioned above for Metatron / Virgo
2.    Set your intent to create a vision of joy for your life. You may focus on one theme or more than one theme.
3.    Cut out images that cause you to have a strong, positive, emotional reaction.
4.    Arrange and glue the images on your poster board in a pleasing design. The board should be something that always elicits a positive and even joyous reaction whenever you see it. You can glue a photo of yourself in the center of the board.
5.    Hang your vision board in a place where you will see it often. Do not place it in a place where you feel others may criticize it or cause you to have to feel like you have to defend your board in some way.

Happy Manifesting!


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Animal Oracle Reading for June 24. 2014

The animal oracle card that I drew this morning was Dog, or Cu in Gaelic. As one might expect, Dog speaks to us about loyalty, faithfulness and companionship.These are areas we might be inclined to focus on today. We also might be called on as protectors as well. Dog is telling you to stand up for yourself and to protect or defend those beliefs you hold close to your heart.

Another aspect of Dog is her association with the after life. Dogs are said to accompany people to the next world. Then, there is the three headed dog, Cerberus, who guards the gates of the afterlife to prevent the dead from escaping and the living from entering. It's strange (or is it?) but my ancestor altar where I have placed photos of my departed family members, is just below a shelf where I have displayed a collection of ceramic dogs. Very cool when those little synchronicities happen! Perhaps today you will be reminded of a loved one in Spirit. It's not your imagination when you feel them near. Listen to what they are trying to tell you! Have a great day!


Monday, June 23, 2014

Oracle Reading for June 23, 2014

Today's oracle reading is from the Druid Animal Oracle; and the animal that has appeared  is the hare. It's funny, but I have been seeing these creatures everywhere lately, so it makes sense to listen to their message.

The hare, or Gearr in the Druid tradition, is about rebirth, intuition and balance. The message here is to trust your intuition. Look for signs to direct you along your path. You should also seek balance in your life. Are you working too much and neglecting your family or hobbies? Seek balance.

This can be a time of creativity, so allow yourself to act on a fertile mind that should be full of ideas. Trust yourself to know what to do. Dust off those creative projects you have set aside and allow them to be reborn and inspire you to a more balanced and inspired life!
