Monday, September 15, 2014

Third Quarter Moon Ritual ~ September 15, 2014

Monday Sept. 15 the moon enters its final quarter where we continue to focus on decreasing and removing the blocks and negative energies that may be inhibiting our ability to manifest our goals. Until the new moon in a couple of weeks we will continue this type of work.
On this day I would like to suggest working with the energy of one of the 72 angels of The Tree of Life who rules the days of Sept. 13-17. This angel’s name is Chavakhiah and if you were born on one of these dates, then Chavakhiah is one of your guardian angels. This is a very family oriented angel and with the kids going back to school and our bringing in the harvest for the winter months ahead we are focusing more on family. If you have wishes that center on helping to bring more harmony to your family life, or if you wish to create your own family, then take steps to remove the blocks to manifesting your dreams. Other areas governed by the angel Chavakhiah are: reconciliation, loyalty, appreciation, ability to bring out ancestral wisdom, humanities and social sciences, mediation, peacemaking, inheritance, donations, and sharing of possessions.
I suggest first starting with cleaning the house and doing a thorough cleansing both physically and energetically with smudging, incense, and candle burning. Next take a sea salt bath and see yourself cleansed on all levels. Then visually see your home and your aura filling with white protective light. You don’t want to cleanse your surrounding energy and create a vacuum to attract other unwanted energies, so always set up protection after you cleanse.
Now you are ready to work with Chavakhiah. Go to a quiet place and get comfortable. You might like to light a white candle and burn some incense. Angels love frankincense, myrrh, copal, rose and lavender incense, so those are go-to incenses when working with angels.  Ground and center yourself and take a few deep breaths. Continuing to breathe deeply, close your eyes and chant, “Chavakhiah, Chavakhiah, Chavakhiah”, as you exhale, then add what you would like help removing from your life. For instance, you might say, “Chavakhiah, Chavakhiah, Chavakhiah, please help remove all obstacles to family harmony in my home, in a positive way, harming none. “  Do this several times until you feel you are finished (at least three times). Close by saying, “Thank you, thank you, thank you. And so it is!”Sit in stillness and just be open to any angel messages you might receive for a few minutes. It would be a great idea to do this meditation each day through Sept. 17. You may start to notice signs and messages from Chavakhiah. Don’t be discouraged if things get a little worse in this area of your life at first, the energy to remove obstacles can at first meet with resistance but will eventually clear the way for improvement.
Happy Manifesting!

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